Independent technical reports
We have a long-standing track record of delivering code-compliant independent technical reports. These reports relate to public reports prepared for the purpose of informing investors or potential investors and their advisers on Exploration results, Mineral Resources or Mineral (Ore) Reserves.
Public reports must comply to a mineral reporting code which sets the minimum standards for public reporting of minerals exploration results, Mineral Resources, and Ore/ Diamond/ Coal or Mineral Reserves, such as SAMREC, SAMVAL and the SAMESG guideline, JORC and VALMIN, and National Instrument 43-101 and associated forms. To understand if, and when a public report is required, it would be best to refer to the relevant security exchange listing requirements, the requirements of the relevant funding institutions, and the relevant professional reporting code. Generally, this includes (amongst others) first-time declarations and material changes in significant projects. The public reports that we deliver are suitable for public reporting purposes.
We prepare Competent Persons Reports (CPRs), Mineral Experts Reports (MERs), Preliminary Economic Assessments (PEAs), Independent Technical Reports (ITRs), and any report that may find its way into the public domain. These reports refer not only to reports prepared for companies listed on a securities exchange, but also include reports compiled by (or for) private companies or individuals. Such reports contain all the information that investors and their professional advisers (and relevant stakeholders) would reasonably require, and reasonably expect to find in such a report. These reports are the responsibility of the company acting through its Board of Directors.
Our Qualified Persons, Competent Persons and Competent Valuators are experts in this field and have good reputations for delivering code-compliant public reports that appropriately reflect the risk and value of the project at hand.