The unit cost of well-designed dragline operations can be significantly lower than conventional truck and shovel operations. Some of the first and major factors we consider for dragline projects and operations are to select the appropriate dragline horizon and loading configuration in terms of single or double bench and single of double pass setups.

We use the industry-best-in-class software applications to design the appropriate mining horizon and best-fit dragline loading configurations. This could include a combination of single and double bench and single and double pass methods.
We have developed proprietary, in-house software to evaluate dragline performance on a block-by-block basis for the complete life of the operation. These are especially useful when the stratigraphy varies and changes to the dragline configuration are required to remain cost competitive, or to optimise the mining horizon. The most effective use of our software application is when delivering budget and implementation plans to appropriately reflect the changes in the dragline performance within the short, medium and long-term horizon.